Styles For Yamaha Tyros 2

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  2. Styles For Yamaha Tyros 2 Review

Styles for all kinds of Yamaha keyboards including portablekeyboards, digital pianos, arranger workstations, professionalsynthesizers and workstations.How to use stylefiles for yamaha keyboard and how to play more beautiful music withthem. Yamaha portable keyboards include the Yamaha PSR K1, Yamaha PSR170, Yamaha PSR 172, Yamaha PSR 175, Yamaha PSR 273, Yamaha PSR 275,Yamaha PSR 290, Yamaha PSR 292, Yamaha PSR 350, Yamaha PSR 550,Yamaha PSR 1100, Yamaha PSR 2100 and Yamaha PSR 3000.Other popular portable keyboards are the Yamaha DGX, YamahaClavinova, Yamaha Tyros, Yamaha Motif, Yamaha MIDI keyboards, andmany moreGeneral Midi - is an addition to the MIDIstandard which ensures that any GM-compatible music data can beaccurately played by any GM-compatible tone generator, regardless ofmanufacturer. The GM mark is affixed to all software and hardwareproducts that support GM System Level.XGlite - Asits name implies, 'XGlite' is simplified version of Yamaha'shigh-quality XG tone generation format. Naturally, you can play backany XG song data using an XGlite tone generator. However, keep inmind that some songs may play back differently compared to theoriginal data, due to the reduced set of control parameters andeffect.YAMAHA TYROS 2OVERVIEWRelease Date: 01 October, 2005 504 Voices, including brand new SuperArticulation Technology400 Accompaniment Styles powered byMegaVoiceHard Disk Recorder (with optional hard disk drive)OneTouch Setting and Music Finder provide instant professional soundsText ViewerBursting with new innovative features the Tyros2 isa true musical powerhouse. Revolutionary Super Articulation Technologydelivers the best and most expressive voices we've ever put into akeyboard.

400 dynamic accompaniment styles meticulously recreate everynuance of the world's most popular musical genres. With the brand newHard Disk Recorder, you can not only record what you play, but also whatyou sing to an optionally installed hard disk drive.

Use the VocalHarmony effects to further enhance your recording. The Tyros2 is averitable treasure chest of inspiration for all your musicalapplications.

TYROS1 & 2 disks(plus new TYROS 3 & TYROS 4 SOFTWAREsee below)TYROS 4 SOFTWARE AVAILABLETYROS 3 SOFTWARE AVAILABLEThese newdisks have been completely upgraded and remade especially for the TYROS,incorporating the new MegaVoices, andthe new Live! Cool!& Sweet! Sounds within theactual styles!

THENEW TYROS 3 & 4SOFTWARE ALSO FEATURES MANY SA & SA2 VOICES etc.Many parts ofthe styles have been totally recreated from scratch, and ALL theregistrations are brand new – once again utilizing the superb newsounds and effects of this stunning new instrument!Eachstyle offers 3 new musicalintros, 4 fills and a break, 3 new endings and 4 variations, together with8 superb registrations that make the onboard One Touch Settings sound weakin comparison! Even the multi pads are set up to match!

Yamaha Tyros 2 Manual

Styles For Yamaha Tyros 2

Styles For Yamaha Tyros 2 Review

This is howyour TYROS should really sound!TYROS 2owners - you may now request any disk/disks to be sent to you ON AUSB STICK! This costs the price of the disk/s PLUS£6 for the stick.Ask for the USBstick option by.TYROS 1 & 2 SOFTWAREDisk & book set(CLICK HERE FOR)Disk & book set(CLICKHERE FOR)Disk & book set(CLICK HERE FOR)Disk & book set (CLICKHERE FOR)(CLICK FOR&)(CLICK HERE FOR&)- Disk & book setDisk & book set (CLICKHERE FOR)Disk & book setDisk & book setDisk & book setNEW! Disk & book setDisk & book set (CLICK HERE FOR)Twin-Disk & book set (CLICK HERE FOR)- (PLUS - Disk & book set(NOW AVAILABLE FOR+)TYROS 1 + 2 Tutorial CD sets:learnyour Tyros the easy way!For.-Copyright© 2004 (Neil Blake) All rights reserved.