Portal 2 Lab Rat

Portal 2 Lab Rat Rating: 3,7/5 1740 votes

I love, both the first & second games were amazing but what happened between them is never clearly explained in the games. Valve released an amazing comic book called Lab Rat a while ago that explained it!

Lab Rat Comic

I enjoyed it so much I created a W for it. © SADev.co.za, SADev and the content here is copyright 2001- now Robert MacLean unless otherwise stated but feel free to reuse it with this license:. Disclosure Policy:. Disclaimer: The views expressed here reflect the views of the authors alone, and do not necessarily reflect the views of any of their organizations, my customers and clients, employers, sponsors, or contributors. All information and downloads are available without warranty and any use of such information or downloads is at your own risk. This website makes use of third party services, including Google Analytics and Developer Media. The website also uses cookies, there is no opt-out for cookies or third party services.


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